Tuesday 12 May 2015

Knit For Peace In Voluntary Arts Week

A twiddlemuff
As part of Voluntary Arts Week, running from May 15 to May 24, Knit for Peace, the charity that distributes knitted item to those in need and encourages women abroad and at home to come together and learn the skill, is asking volunteers to knit a twiddlemuff!

What's a twiddlemuff?

A twiddlemuff is a hand muff designed to provide a stimualation activity for people with dementia who have restless hands. The hand muff has bits and bobs attached inside and out to play with. The NHS asked Knit for Peace to provide these and enable patients to take them home with them.

How can I make one?

Simple - use all those yarn odds and ends at the bottom of your knitting bag. Chunky, bobbly, silky are all perfect to provide different touch experiences. The additions of buttons and/or ribbons can add that extra special touch. Be as creative as you like.

Where can I find the twiddlemuff knitting pattern?

Download the pattern from the Knit for Peace website here.

What do I do with my knitted twiddlemuffs?

Please post them to Knit for Peace and the charity will distribute them to the NHS hospitals requiring them. The address is:

Knit for Peace
Radius Works
Back Lane

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